
Bully. Even the word strikes an emotion within all of us. Most of us have been bullied sometime in our lives.  Even as adults, we may be victims. Children are usually ill equipped to respond.  It’s an imbalance of power. Bullying can include making verbal threats, spreading rumors online, physical attacks and/or excluding someone on purpose from an activity.
How can we empower the countless victims, who may develop serious, lasting problems?  Equine Assisted Learning is custom, structured non-riding exercises integrating the horse in thoughtful, meaningful and relevant role playing for problem solving. The activities help build self esteem, self reliance and insight. It changes the internal dialogue from what I refer to as ‘vulture talk’ to positive ‘self talk’.
The ‘Bully Free Zone’ at Pathfinder Ranch in Dewey, is a small, peaceful ranch in Dewey, with two rescued horses. Classes are 1 ½ hours and we recommend 6 weekly classes to let go of learned behavior and practice new, positive insights. By working with horses, participants learn how to create a personal bully free zone.