
We provide personalized and professional service to ensure peace of mind to seniors and their families. Sometimes called Elder care locator, senior housing locator, or senior placement services we match seniors with the housing facility that best meets their needs.

Their are hundreds of care facilities in Arizona.  How will a family looking for a place for their loved one, ever find the best place for them? Left on their own it becomes too overwhelming.  Assisted living communities, group homes, skilled nursing facilities, retirement communities--where do they begin?

The best place to begin is to call Good Hands Placement Agency.  We are the experts and we know the industry.  We will zero in on the very best options for families so that they can gave peace of mind knowing they are being guided by an expert.  Good Hands Placement Agency has been placing satisfied seniors since 2005.

What happens after the call to Good Hands? First we assess the needs of the senior.  We gather information regarding their preferences, their medical condition, and their financial situation.

Taking this information we locate at least three places out of our list of hundreds which best matches the senior's needs and geographical request.  We set up an appointment to tour the facilities along with the family members of the senior, if desired.

We tour the facilities with the family educating them and answering any questions they may have regarding senior housing, the financing of the move, the transition of the senior from their home to the facility, and if applicable, their loved one's discharge from another facility.

Once a choice is selected, we at Good Hands Placement Agency will arrange for the senior's transportation to the new facility with 24 hour notice.  After the placement we will check on the senior within the first couple of days after the move and again after the first month.

Good Hands Placement has a specially selected VA benefits resource who will help locate all available monies for the long term care of the veteran and their spouse.  We can answer questions regarding long term care insurance and the Arizona Long Term Care System.

We place in facilities for those with dementia and Alzheimer's, diabetes and other specialty diagnoses.  We can also do emergency placements.

There is never a fee to the senior or family for our services.  Good Hands has referrals of satisfied clients which may be viewed upon request.