
Ten years ago, Amy and Rod Burkert sold their house, bought an RV and embarked on the adventure of a lifetime with their two dogs, Ty and Buster, by their side. The Burkerts began trekking across the country to find and feature pet-friendly destinations, hotels, attractions, restaurants, campgrounds and more and share their findings on their popular web site, GoPetFriendly.com. Full of resources, travel tips and tricks, a road trip planner, a gear guide and much more, GoPetFriendly.com is the most comprehensive resource on pet friendly travel available. Check out Amy and Rod’s latest adventures, compiled into a book: “The Ultimate Pet Friendly Road Trip,” which features the top pet-friendly destination in each of the lower 48 states and Canada. Learn more about pet friendly travel and the book at www.gopetfriendly.com.