
This site will be most popular home page yet. The site allows users to search from eBay and google from the home page. The home page also includes links to Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, YouTube, and other very popular sites. They have a free Flash Arcade with 40 games currently and a movie trailer theater with new release movies. The site also features one click  links to some of the most popular online shopping sites such as Sears, Macy's, Target, Gap, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Spencers, Disney Store, Victoria's Secret, Kohl's, Overstock, Bath & Body Works, Best Buy, and others. The site has links to pages named " The eBay 99 Cent Store" which features eBay items that are only 99 cents on the "Buy It Now" feature,  "The eBay Showcase" which allows users to see the most recent listed and soon ending eBay items from any eBay catagory listed next to each other on the same page, and a news ticker banner displaying current US world news. This is a very useful and fun site to check out. They are also offering a monthly contest to give one user a month 5% of the sales made from  the site during that month, as long as they give them a "Like" on Facebook. This is a very interesting site and very easy to like. It mixes many of the favorite things that people like to do on the Internet into one place. We strongly recommend this site to our readers.