
GOTRACK™ is a fully scaleable web based GPS tracking system. Our GPS tracking system offers a range intelligent tracking solutions including: GOTRACK My Fleet, a fully featured fleet managements solution, which includes a fully job management option.

When it comes to safety GOTRACK has it own Accident Reconstruction Kit (ARK). Which can be added to any of the GOTRACK My Fleet range. Our service offers Australia wide live tracking with GOTRACK My Fleet Global, an Iridium hybrid system.
In addition to our fully featured vehicle tracking systems

GOTRACK offers a range of personal tracking and asset solutions using the latest GPS technology.

hoosing the right GPS Fleet Management system is an important step to making new technology work for your business.

At GOTRACK™ our menu driven plans will ensure you will only ever pay for the features you need. As you business needs change you can change your options. This flexible approach to the market provides you with a tailored package that suits every vehicle or groups of vehicles. Our system is browser based. So if you can access the internet and run silverlight, you can view your fleet. This means that for MAC users an other non-PC based system, including networks can gain full access with the need for client software.
Our system is easy to use and can be set up in minutes. It's easy to see why more and more businesses choose GOTRACK™