GoTrybe, LLC
GoTrybe is an online, interactive social community dedicated to the health and wellness of our youth. We get young people on the move by developing Active Screen Time™. "Trybers" can interact with fitness, nutrition, motivation and wellness content that supports their journey toward living healthfully. GoTrybe wants to be an inspiring force in the fight to get children and teens active while combating childhood obesity and type 2 diabetes. As a result, GoTrybe's mission is to change some of the normal sedentary screen time into activity and health education. is comprised of three Trybes for kids to join:
- ZooDoos up to 5th grade
- Trybe180 6th-9th grade
- Nextrybe 10th-12th grade
We do this via Active-Screen-Time™, which is all about getting children and teens on the move using technology:
- A team of designers and developers, project manager, nutritionists, exercise physiologists, physical education teachers and marketing specialists
- Foundational exercise programs developed by Olympic trainers
- Comprehensive online fitness videos led by exercise professionals
- Cool, current and relevant health, fitness, nutrition and wellness information
- Customization and personalization of the site with "my page," and avatars
- Prize Rewards. GoTrybe's point system rewards Trybers for completing daily exercise routines and working through the question-and-answer segments of the new and changing health information. These points can then be redeemed for enhanced online rewards such as avatar upgrade
- Socialization with friends through the buddy list, "Shout out" messaging and forum features, and competition through the Trybal leader board