
Greatym social networking site coming up with features classified, forum and blog. Register here http://greatym.com
Founded by individual in 2016.
Our aim is to provide services those are depend on common need when people do surfing on internet. So offered features classified, forum and manage blog at one place.
This is the place where user can search for friends and get connected with there friends and family.
Greatym provide feature to communicate with then using chat, message and share update on there page. Create brand page to promote it.

Out of this Greatym provide free blogging. Using manage blog link user can read write blogs and share in there network.
Blog provide a way to write there thought and ideas. You blog can be a personal book or guide or means of communicating things and publishing information.
It help to promote your business. It help to create leads for your business, helps to stablish authority.

Forum feature in this website help encourage interactivity and discussion on the community. User freely can ask there questions and share with there friends to get answers.

Market Place
Using Market Place users can post classifieds listings within any categories you create (like "Jobs", "Personals", "For Sale", etc.).
This serves as a store on where users can place items and shop.