
Cary Colt Payne founded Colt Gun Trusts out of necessity due to a lack of knowledge about gun trusts from attorneys and the firearms community.

A gun trust is useful for anyone who possesses firearms, registered under the National Firearms Act made in 1934 and the revision of that act called “Title II of Gun Control Act” that became law in 1968. The weapons that require registration with the ATF of the owner and the serial number of the firearm are commonly called “Title II” or NFA firearms. The gun trust or NFA trust, creates significant benefits for the owners of Title II weapons.

Quite simply, most of the “boilerplate” gun trusts available online provide minimal protection for NFA firearm and suppressor ownership. They were designed to try and pass the BATFE sniff test, without careful consideration about the possibility of future litigation or changes in the law.

Colt Gun Trusts provide maximum protection for unforeseen circumstances along with a full money back guarantee if your BATFE application is denied.