
HappyHourMom.com provides ideas, inspiration and conversation to all things mom and baby related. From the latest in the news, to the hottest new products on the market, Happy HourMom.com is your go-to guide. After all, every mom deserves a happy hour and HappyHourMom.com has made it their mission to provide you with the resources you need to make it happen. With expert contributors, you will get answers from a parenting coach, lactation consultant, authors, adoption specialists, outspoken moms, beauty and skincare consultants, and many more. Check in for exclusive interviews with physicians and media personality, actors, models, and public figures. HappyHourMom.com hosts their own Internet Broadcast and television show in California and has recently launched a store with TheOpenSkyProject.com. Become a HappyHourMom today, and your life as a mom will become just a little bit easier as they help to provide the tools necessary to succeed.