
• The Harris Pye Group is a rapidly expanding global player with active involvement in many key marine and industrial sectors. Operating worldwide on a 24/7 basis, the Group’s emphasis is on cost effective repair, preventative maintenance and conversion work.

• Staff strength within the Group has grown from 10 in 1976 to a thousand employees in their United Kingdom head office facility (at Barry in South Wales) and main stations in Dubai and Singapore (all three are ASME ‘R”, 'U' and 'S' stamp accredited); and offices and repair facilities in Scandinavia, Portugal, Brazil, Bahrain, Indonesia, Malaysia, Sharjah, China, Japan and Australia.

• The Group has an enviable reputation as one of the world’s leading specialists in repair of marine and industrial boilers, including all associated steam systems. A constant stock of over 400 tons of premium quality steel and alloy tubes ensures rapid reaction to clients’ repair requirements. The Group has recently undergone substantial planned growth, and expanded by means of internal expansion and acquisition, into areas complimentary to its core business.

• Harris Pye has expertise in automation, control engineering and ship repair; industrial services; the manufacture of food-grade stainless steel galley/land-based kitchen equipment; and ship outfitting. Over the past 10 years, the Group has also successfully developed its service to the offshore oil industry to include in situ repair, upgrade and conversion of rigs, semi-submersibles, trading tankers, FSU, FSO, FPSO and FSRU units.

• The Group philosophy is to provide a global service with a focus on supplying top quality products and fast and efficient customer service.  Further information at www.harris-pye.com