About |
Harvest Business Advisors creates opportunity and builds value for business owners and their trusted advisors by providing Business Valuations, Succession Planning, and Merger & Acquisition Services.
We work with clients in a variety of industries, with a focus on the Construction, Engineering, Medical, Manufacturing and Distribution, and Service Industries. Since 1982, our partners have completed over 1200 transactions.
When you need to know the correct business value – call us. Purposes include Merger and Acquisition Planning, IRS, SBA Loans, Banking, Litigation, Estate Tax, Gift Tax, ESOP and more.
Create tremendous opportunity and value through transaction planning for management buy-outs, family transitions, and market sales. Improve your business, your peace of mind, and build value.
You will be exceptionally represented and obtain the highest value as we apply our diverse backgrounds and extensive industry experience. Our typical M&A clients have values of $1 Million to $10 Million. www.harvestbusiness.com