
Located in the heart of Midtown Oklahoma City, the leading health professionals at The Brooks Clinic are dedicated to helping you achieve your wellness objectives -- combining skill and expertise that spans the entire chiropractic wellness spectrum. Dr. Jerry Dickey is committed to bringing you better health and a better way of life by teaching and practicing the true principles of chiropractic wellness care.

The Brooks Clinic’s Medically Supervised Metabolic Weight Loss Program.

Are You Ready To Finally Lose The Weight and Keep It Off? http://thebrooksclinic.com

I know how frustrating it is to invest in a weight loss program that doesn’t work. You invest yourself both financially and emotionally only to be let down by an impossible restriction of calories or a short lived result.

One thing that scientists are discovering is that obesity is usually the result of an abnormally functioning hypothalamus gland.   This is the master gland that regulates all of these functions, metabolism, food cravings, and fat storage and distribution.  Reset the hypothalamus and the chances are you can conquer your weight loss problems. You can achieve a lifetime of results, not just temporary.
