
Let us Help You Feel Safe When Eating Out.

Research shows that increasing awareness and providing access to consumers on health inspection scores reduces the number of foodborne illness hospitalizations per year. HDScores mission is to hold establishments cleanliness to a higher standard, which in return will enhance the diner’s overall experience.

The Problem

The majority of health inspection reports are traditionally about a moment in time when a health inspector walks into a restaurant. Does that establishment meet the required standard, right then and there? In an extreme case, that restaurant could be immediately closed down, yet some Health Departments allow restaurants that fail up to two weeks to address their shortfalls and then be re-inspected. So when every restaurant around you has a passing grade, how do you know which ones have a structured hygiene process that is robust, proven and safe in comparison to the ones that papered over the issues to pass the inspection?

The Solution

We wanted to develop a way to solve this problem; health safety is not about a moment in time but about continuous good practices that run to the core of an establishment. Accordingly, we developed a percentage score from the best (100%) to the worse (0%). To calculate this we take a two-year view of a restaurant’s operation, using local health inspection data to determine violations, demeriting the score based on number, severity and repeated offenses. To encourage continuous improvement practices and to recognize that every restaurant can have a bad day, a weighting is placed on the score that promotes current actions over historical events to create a raw score. We then wanted to make it local, so that everyone in everyday dining decisions can use it. To do this, we rank the raw scores of each restaurant within a jurisdiction, be it city or county, against each other so that the consumer can differentiate between all the passing grades and can choose the safest restaurant with the highest score and avoid establishments that just make the grade with lower scores. Using this process, we create the HDScore, which is applied using the same formula worldwide, solving the problem of which restaurant is the safest to eat at and recognizing the best run restaurants in your area that do more every day than just pass.


Search for any restaurant or food- serving establishment within our health inspections scores app. This is including but not limited to; schools, nurseries, restaurants, hospitals, stadiums etc. Next, to the name, an HDScore will appear automatically with the restaurant’s/establishment’s health department ratings.

This score is a historical based value from 0-100%. The closer to 100% the cleaner that place is. By clicking on your place of choice will create a drop-down list of all previous health inspections scores and their detailed notes by the inspector themselves.