About |
Health Equity Initiative (HEI) is a non-profit organization dedicated to building community, capacity and communication resources for health equity. At the crossroads between a non-profit public health management consulting agency, and a research- and programs-driven organization, Health Equity Initiative seeks to help advance health equity through partnership, community engagement, and evidence-based solutions.
We seek to advance health equity via three key strategies:
Helping other organizations succeed both in the U.S. and globally by:
-Providing counseling, technical assistance, training, capacity building, program evaluation, and communication resources that address their needs and build upon existing capacities
Establishing a road map for health equity by researching and/or examining:
-Social and political factors and intermediate steps (also called determinants of behavior) leading to community and social behaviors that may contribute to health equity
-Organizational capacities and training needs in a variety of settings both in the U.S. and abroad
-Models for community participation for policy development and implementation
Engaging and mobilizing communities in the U.S. to:
-Help them define community-specific priorities and progress indicators
-Encourage the development of “communities of practice,” including community members as well as professionals from the public health, medical, private, nonprofit and policy sectors to share resources and information; foster regular interaction; and effectively build a large and action oriented community around the issue
We implement these strategies on a wide range of disease areas and health issues.