
Since 1967, Hennigan Engineering has been providing innovative solutions, equipment design and skilled personnel necessary for our clients to maintain performance-related equipment at optimum efficiency.  We work for many clients in the Nuclear and Fossil Power generating industry, as well as other commercial & industrial, marine & military industries.  
One of Hennigan Engineering’s core service offerings is the restoration and maintenance of condenser tubes to design specifications or to the maximum available operating efficiency utilizing various cleaning techniques. These include condenser tube cleaning & heat exchanger tube cleaning techniques such as chemical cleaning, hydrolase cleaning and projectile cleaning.   We work closely with our clients to offer a comprehensive cleaning solution, taking into account; tube base metal composition, base metal conditions, corrosion control, fouling agents, scale composition, cleaning window, safety environmental concerns.

We are a full service company, offering video pipeline inspection with the most modern equipment including robotic crawlers.  A full, high quality computer generated report including color graphics showing features and defects is provided to clients.  A full line of leak detection options are also offered including helium leak testing and hydrostatic pressure testing, as well as eddy current testing to determine the integrity of your tubes, pipelines, vessels or components.  
As infrastructure of bridges, roadways and substructures deteriorate, there has been an increase in the need for our concrete hydro demolition services using high pressure water blasting.  Hennigan Engineering's state of the art hydro technology eliminates the unnecessary removal of sound concrete and unintentional damage to rebar.  Other offerings are Surface Preparation & Coatings, Water Intrusion Control, Pipe Cleaning, Tube Cleaning, Tank Cleaning, as well as offering silicone heat exchanger tube plugs from our affiliate HEPCO (Heat Exchanger Products Corp) the best tube plug on the market.

Safety is our #1 focus at the corporate and staff level.  Our corporate dedication to safety is equally shared by our employees and we believe it is this partnership that has enabled Hennigan Engineering to establish one of the best safety records in our industry.