About |
Hip Hop Push.com was created in 2009 by hip-hop recording artist Militant (Jerome Kenyatta) as a platform to showcase up and coming rap artists. Since then it has gone on to be featured in many urban publications such as XXL Magazine and Vibe Magazine, and has also received great reviews from many music review blogs and websites.
For the fans of hip-hop who visit hiphoppush.com they have the opportunity to see and listen the best in real hip-hop music from up and coming rap artists from all over the world. Visitors get to watch music video, see rap freestyles, and also watch rap battles from both veteran and up and coming artists. Fans can also participate in the websites yearly "Fan of Hip-Hop" contest where they can win many prizes including cash!
For the hip-hop artists that visit the site they can submit their music for review to be added to the site, check out other new emerging artists, or they can check out the free music advice sections. Up and coming rappers can get free music industry advice from music professionals via audio, video, or by written content.
Hiphoppush.com is rapidly becoming the #1 platform for hip hop lovers to connect, socialize, and listen to the best in real hip hop music. It's a website that rap content that has meaning, and truly represents the hip hop culture to the fullest. If you love rap music and the culture, and would love to connect with like minded people this site is for you!