About |
What we do :
We provide travelers with transportation at cheaper prices and more convenient times, while allowing carriers to fill unused capacities.
What we provide :
HitchGreen will allow individuals to leverage the purchasing power of groups in the shuttle van and bus transportation markets with a game-changing distribution platform. Until now, group purchasing networks have not significantly altered the travel industry’s rigid economic framework. This deficiency largely results from the inability of individual travelers to coordinate different travel plans into a single group itinerary. HitchGreen will solve this problem while helping local carriers to fill unused capacities.
How it works :
HitchGreen enables individuals and groups to create itineraries and specify their own departure time and price. For example, a traveler might create one of the following itineraries: A shuttle van from DEN to Breckenridge for a weekend of skiing; a bus for their classmates to get from VT to NYC for Thanksgiving; or a charter bus for a school trip to Washington DC. Once created, itineraries and specified prices can be viewed and joined by other travelers. All itineraries are made available to professional transportation carriers in real time. After viewing an itinerary, a carrier can bid to service the passenger’s itinerary at the traveler’s specified price. Embedded in this price is the cost of a carbon offset to neutralize the environmental impact of the traveler’s trip.