
Hosting Controller is a product of Advanced Communications. Advanced Communications has its registered office in Los Angeles, CA, USA.

The development on Hosting Controller was started in 1997 and it first version was launched in early 1998 which makes it Windows first hosting control panel. Slowly but steadily development took pace releasing one version after another, adding new features, making it more stable and broadening existing service horizons of web hosts.

It was initially released with a very modest set of features and was running on Windows NT. Over the last four years we have gone through many new releases, patches, bug fixes, version roll backs and missed deadlines. Today Hosting Controller is available in 15 international languages with tons of features second to none in the industry.

Over 10 years of development experience and innovation delivers unmatched functionality, flexible, features, robustness, user-interface and free technical support. Hosting Controller allows you to do web hosting tasks faster, more securely, more easily and at a lower cost.

HC7 is an ideal application to diversify your web hosting servers in cluster environment. It is a cluster management solution with central control for both Windows and Linux servers. It is one of the most user-friendly and easy-to-use application providing most advanced features and highly demanded services. Expand your business with HC7, from one server to the cluster of servers, and add new clusters as demand increases.