About |
iBillionaire provides access to the investment data and strategies of the world’s most successful, self-made billionaires. Its mission is to help individuals become better investors by learning from Wall Street’s best.
Founded by Raul Moreno and Alejandro Estrada, iBillionaire launched in April 2013 as a mobile application tracking the investment strategies of the world’s top billionaires. Less than a year later, iBillionaire unveiled its inaugural iBillionaire Index, which is comprised of the top 30 U.S. equities held by a select pool of leading billionaires. The index was followed up by the release of the Direxion iBillionaire Index ETF (IBLN). The ETF currently has more than $35 million in assets under management, and the iBillionaire mobile community is already over 200,000 investors strong.
For more information, visit www.iBillionaire.me, take a look at our Press Kit, and check out the iBillionaire blog. You can also find iBillionaire on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, and download the iBillionaire app for iOS and Android.