About |
Our mission is to provide a sense of stability, comfort, and safety for children entering and exiting the foster care system, in an effort to ease these transitional periods by providing access to quality health, social and financial services.
I Choose You - Gives began in June of 2011 by Patricia Jones, a former Foster Care Parent. Mrs. Jones had the privilege having several Foster Children in her home and had become frustrated with obstacles and red tape that accompanied her assignment.
In the 1990's, Mrs. Jones remembers getting the call for her first assignment. A sister and brother who had been subjected to neglect and abuse had suddenly become her foster children. She did not have a care package prepared for them and felt it would be a great idea because the transition occured so quickly. She fully understood, at that time, that this period in a child's life is critical. He was four and she was only one years old. Mrs. Jones remembers them distinctly because the baby was so traumatized that she didn't speak. This experience caused Mrs. Jones to start the "I Choose You - Gives" Organization that currently provides care packages for children who are suddenly removed from their home and all that they know and are forced into the care of strangers.
The care packages are simple and inviting. They are packaged based on the age of the child and have necessities as well as comfort items such as Teddy Bears and toys.
Mrs. Jones remained a Foster Care parent until such time that the frustration with being able to provide for the children in this system became so great, she felt she would commit herself to making a difference through "I Choose You - Gives" Non Profit Organization, instead.
Today, the I Choose You - Gives Non Profit Organization is partnering with Foster Parents and Agencies with a projection to provide over 5000 care packages over the next year. As well, it is Mrs. Jones' vision to ensure that children will have a voice and will not be silenced when they are forced to transition in and out of their homes through these types of systems. She is commited to allowing the I Choose You - Gives organization to be that voice.