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2014 Premiere Review Services Start up
Idea Conceit, a company focused on Premiere Reviews, Ratings and News Service. We are an Internet Business Start up Providing Global Reviews and News in Films, Tech Gadgets, Business, Music Albums, Automobiles, Internet and Gossips.
Idea Conceit aims to Provide the High Quality Premiere Content updates with Genuine Reviews in Key Sectors, all around the Globe for a Quality Output to Customers. Our contents are written by Eminent Authors and Reviewers from Various Parts of World.
Idea Conceit was designed in such a way that, the User UI/UX was easier to handle with, both in Desktop and Mobile Versions, while the Reviews are limited and Accurate to provide a Neater and Comprehensive Informative Content, upon selected Topics.
Idea Conceit was created and developed in Home, starting in December 2013 by completing its Design and Development by January 26, 2014.