
The IJIS Institute is a nonprofit alliance working to promote and enable technology in the public sector and expand the use of information to maximize safety, efficiency, and productivity. The IJIS Institute has members and associates working within and across several major public-sector domains as our areas of focus: Criminal Justice (Law Enforcement, Corrections, Courts), Public Safety (Fire, EMS, Emergency Management), Homeland Security, Health and Human Services, and Transportation. The IJIS Institute is the only national membership organization that brings together the innovative thinking of the private sector and the practitioners, national practice associations, and academic organizations that are working to solve public sector information and technology challenges. IJIS Institute advocates for policies, processes, and information sharing standards that impact our safety and security, builds knowledge on behalf of our stakeholder groups, and connects the organizations and leaders within the communities of interest.

For more information, visit our website at https://www.ijis.org/ and follow us on Twitter @ijisinstitute.