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The mission of the International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences (IJMESS) is to publish empirical (testing theories, extending theories, or building management theory). IJMESS is particularly interested in publishing innovative papers in the areas of management, strategic management, organizational behaviour, organization development and change, innovation management, organizational theories, human resource management, business strategies, management information systems, financial management, marketing management, business policy, economics, economic analysis, econometrics, statistics, organizational politics, social issues, social work, social welfare and women’s studies.
IJMESS is indexed in INSPEC,ERIHPLUS, CNKI, ERIC, DOAJ, ABI/ INFORM, Summon, ECONSTOR, Cabell's Directories U.S.A, Ulrichsweb (SerialsSolutions, ProQuest), Index Coprernicus Poland, Google Scholar, Genamics JournalSeek, Social Science Research Network (SSRN), WorldCat, Open Diary, ResearchBib Japan, New Jour (Georgetown University, U.S.A), UDL Theses Malaysia, Open J-Gate India, National Library of Economics (ZBW), Econis, EconBiz and Electronic Journals Library Germany.
IJMESS is also recognized by American Economic Association (AEA) and the annotations are published in JEL, september, 2012.