
The I Live Life brand is inspiring champions to live life to the fullest every day by teaching and motivating people all around the world in order to obtain a keep moving forward mindset, to continue to level up and progress in life.

The I Live Life brand is taking action by motivating people all over the world so that they will be able to achieve their optimum potential.

I Live Life designs and graphics for all motivational blogs, videos, social media posts, and official I Live Life merch are inspired by Jim Zarifis’ (the founder of I Live Life) comeback journey after brain cancer. Jim Zarifis turned his setbacks into setups for a great comeback.

His many setbacks include paralysis and relearning how to walk, and talk.

Zarifis made I.L.L. an acronym for I Live Life. That is where the brand name comes from and is why the website is ilivelifeill.com. Throughout Jim’s journey to full recovery, he learned that the key to life is to truly live it. Zarifis turned ILL, as in illness, into ILL, as in cool or awesome. It is “I” Live Life because everyone has their own way to live their own life to the fullest. Everyone has a different idea of how to live their best life. It could be by spreading positivity and kindness in the world, playing sports, going on vacations, or living life to the fullest could mean spending time with your family and friends and having those Netflix and chill days.