About |
Multi-media marketing at its most plugged in. INCENDIACREATIVE™ produces video, web and print based marketing to connect the message from the client to their target audience. Pinpoint communication with an edge and flare that ignites interest and sparks ideas.
Founded in 2004, Brian Denton began the marketing firm working with non-profit organizations such as African Children’s Choir, Link Autism, Carmel Presbyterian Church and Impact Teen Drivers under Clear Blue Studios. While telling compelling stories via web and video to audience around the globe, corporate demand grew and Andrew Fear was added to the team. Adding Murphy USA, Marathon Oil, Monterey Peninsula Unified School District, Monterey Peninsula Pediatric Medical Group and Trinity Christian High School to a long list of amazing stories told by Clear Blue Studios.
The team grew and the ideas got bigger. What can be done to grab the attention of the target audience and shake them…really hard. Hence, INCENDIACREATIVE™ was born. In September of 2010, a few interns and a Michele Swanston later, the art of storytelling blazed into a whole new 3-D world.
INCENDIACREATIVE™ relates to the audience, forges lasting relationships with the clients and creates successful marketing campaigns using video, web and print marketing. A good idea is hard to extinguish. A great story burns in the minds of many. An amazing marketing campaign will stay on fire.