
Indastro.com completes 11 years in 2012 and is poised to offer a host of new services and special offers in the New Year. Our team of Vedic Astrologers has grown to 24 astrologers working 24/7 out of 9 cities, including New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Lucknow, Baroda, Gurgaon, Indore, Amritsar & Kolkata.

Our annual offering of the free 2012 forecast based exclusively on the  Vedic system would go up by the end of December 2011 and would feature a  very detailed horoscope forecast covering nearly all aspects of life such as Career, Relationships, Money, Health & Family. This reading is absolutely original and not available anywhere else on the web or any publications at any part of the world.

This year our members can also prepare for Valentine's day by getting a report on the description of their life partner / soul mate. The report that describes the life partners helps get vital clues on physical description, potential astrological signs and other data that can help members identify the right person and invest time rather than waste it on other relationships.

A need to have direct phone discussions had been a long standing demand of our members. Starting from 2012, we would have our astrologers available for a direct call at certain specific times during the day. Members can call & get a personalized discussion at your convenience.

A lot of confusion and negativity has been felt due to the misinterpretations of the Mayan readings. The Mayan Calendar ends on 2012, which creates unnecessary suspicion in the minds of the people that it is the end of the world. On the contrary certain very robust & positive events take place towards the second half of 2012, which would lead to another cycle of growth for the entire world. Vedic system acknowledges the change as a betterment of the world rather than an end of the world! Best wishes for a wonderful 2012. For more information desire peoples please visit our site: www.indastro.com