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The stickers on travel trunks of the past not only helped identify belongings, they told a story. The indeegear® system modernizes that concept! Problems associated with luggage and other gear differentiation are solved and it allows people to express their individuality by sliding artfully created, embroidered sleeves with designs including country flags, state flags, travel destinations, sports, and hobbies to name a few; onto the indeegear® luggage belt or other strapping. Custom designed sleeves promoting businesses, events, schools, or fundraising activities are available as well. Utilizing a TSA approved lock on the indeegear® belt design provides an additional line of security.
indeegear® is patent-pending and Made in America, from the beautifully embroidered design work to the sharp packaging using manufacturers on both the east and west coast. Valerie Freer dba indeegear®, received national certification as a Women’s Business Enterprise by Astra Women’s Business Alliance, a certifying partner of the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC).