
iROOMit  is more than a Roommate finder or  room listing site/app. We help connect between people, whatever your situation may be. Whether you are new in town or a local wanting a change of scenery, moving for school or moving for a job, moving with your significant other or recently separated. Not only will find your next roommate, but also some new friends along the way. iROOMit offers you a community of people that are in the same boat as you.
We are an all-inclusive platform no matter your budget, age, gender identity, sexual orientation or lifestyle preferences. Since everyone is different, we will guide you to find the perfect roommate Match!, for you.
iROOMit: Roommate Finder Co-Living, Apartments & Roommates Description
iROOMit is a roommate matching, co-living & apartment listing app/Web
iROOMit helps you to find your roommate and , roommate matching, apartment listing situation.
Feel safe and secure with in-app messaging and video calling before meeting your new roommate in person. Access our curated selection of properties and contact landlords directly from the app. iROOMit has no subscriptions or hidden fees, just the most fun you've ever had finding roommates and apartments.
Benefits to using iROOMit:
Save time. User friendly Sign in with your email or social media accounts and start searching.
Get verified become trustworthy profile. ! Browse other verified roommates members.
Easy access To Credit report, back ground Check or Pay your monthly rent with ease thank to our partnership with Stripe
Find the right roommate Match . Filters and map features are available to help you find your ideal roommate.
Whether you’re looking for a single room or 2+ bedrooms, you’ll find more professionally managed listings with better amenities on iROOMit
Stay connected. Keep your roommate & property chats all in one place and get assistance from a real iROOMit team member when you need it, all within the app.