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Isotrak customers save over £100,000,000 per year by using their mobile assets more efficiently.
Isotrak helps companies save money, improve customer service, reduce their environmental impact and win new business, all by using mobile assets more efficiently. Isotrak provides best-in-class software products and professional service solutions, driven by a combination of real-time visibility and performance measurement, interpreted from GPS satellite tracking and vehicle telematics data. To help customers focus on the job of managing transport, rather than managing technology, Isotrak delivers its products on a proven ‘managed service’ platform, backed by a high-availability Service Level Agreement (SLA), and accessible through any modern web browser.
Established in 1996 as a division of NFC, Isotrak became a separate company in July 1999 and today supports over 21,000 vehicle connections for customers including Asda, Eddie Stobart, Marks & Spencer, Sainsbury’s, Skanska Utilities, Tesco, and the Royal Mail and many more. For more information, see www.isotrak.com