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Troubleshoot and repair Java applications without no restart, no deployments and no overhead in seconds.
Production ready troubleshooting with the features and flexibility of a development environment. javOSize offers a command line interface to interact with the JVM with no extra configuration and without restarting. Imagine when your application doesn't work printing a new trace you need to figure out why, without waiting to receive a patch without restarting your application!!
Automate repairing tasks: define automatic tasks that will execute inside your JVM under certain circumstances. Imagine deleting a session when its size is higher than a threshold meanwhile you are waiting for the patch.
Common management interface for any Java environment: application server agnostic: javOSize standardizes the troubleshooting and repairing tasks, no need to know all the different administration consoles for the different application servers in your environment. Learn one tool, troubleshoot any application server. javOSize also allows you to do tasks that would require an application server restart otherwise (hence, the problem you are troubleshooting disappears) How many times someone has asked you for the garbage collector’s log but it was not enabled? Or you wanted to check the memory but the JMX console was not configured?