

"Jazz for Peace provides Empowerment Grants and sustainable funding for non-profits and all outstanding causes worldwide for over a decade"

Outstanding causes may receive this funding by submitting the WIN GRANT form located at www.jazzforpeace.org Highest Award: $250,000 Contact us at info@jazzforpeace.org, phone: 212-947-1104 or SKYPE jazzmgmt to speak to a Grant Administrator fir assistance and to find out about our next application deadline.

About the Music:

Rick DellaRatta and Jazz for Peace is the only musical act performing today who has achieved an amazing total of FIVE Unprecedented Achievements in Jazz.

http://www.ljjm.biz (click on the "Unprecedented" tab)

- United Nations
- World Leaders
- 850 Concerts
- Donating/Educating Children
- And most of all the Unprecedented musical presentation.

In addition to his Jazz for Peace CD which features this unique artist at Birdland and Troy Music Hall with the world’s finest Jazz Musicians (Eddie Gomez, Lenny White, and PaquitoD’Rivera) along with The London Symphony Orchestra, here are three more highlights performing three completely different styles of Jazz at an extraordinary level:

Heralded in Rwanda, Africa - Rick addresses genocide and performs a tribute to Dizzy http://youtu.be/oplUrCUcNq8

Acclaimed in Sao Paulo, Brazil - Rick performs to aid the favela children http://youtu.be/rdCP4p2ppCk

Honored in Little Rock, AR - Rick brings Jazz back to their legendary Ballroom http://youtu.be/8WuhrJV7Yxs

Aside from being noted in the book "Jazz Singers" as one of the top jazz vocalists of all time and on The Foundation Center's list of top musician philanthropists with Bono, Elton John, Peter Gabriel, and Sting, Rick and his group JAZZ FOR PEACE™ have been on an incredible journey to become what is now known as “one of the significant cultural events of our time.”

Additional bios, mp3's, video's and much more can be found here:

Latest News: Upcoming Movie Documentary “Saving the Maasai Mara – Rick DellaRatta and Jazz for Peace Live in Africa!” http://www.ljjm.biz