
Jetset Magazine is a premier lifestyle magazine for a premier audience. Reaching affluent consumers when they are captive audiences - relaxing via their primary mode of travel: private jet or luxury yacht. Readers of Jetset include owners and executive leadership of Fortune 500 businesses, key decision makers within the corporate world, prestigious entrepeneurs, politicians and diplomats, and professional athletes from numerous U.S. sports teams.

Jetset Magazine is THE place to target readers with net asset values exceeding $20 million. Providing content that appeals to the ultra wealthy, including reviews on the latest trends in real estate, travel, fitness, private aviation, fashion, automobiles, home electronics, and  more.

Recognized as the premier publication of millionaires and billionaires, Jetset Magazine features information readers cannot find in other publications, setting us apart as a guide on where to find the best products and services from companies catering to the ultra wealthy.