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Command Performance Productions is dedicated to producing high-quality narrative and documentary feature films which will be released theatrically around the world. The company most recently produced "Em" an intense romantic drama written and directed by the acclaimed filmmaker, Tony Barbieri, who is based in San Francisco. "Em" recently earned the Grand Jury Award from the 2008 Seattle International Film Festival. It went on to win The Criterion Collection’s Intl. Inspiration Award, The Intl. Film Guide Award and Best Producer Award at the Brooklyn Intl. Film Festival. Command Performance Productions also produced “Passionada,” a romantic comedy that was released in 120 American cities in 2003 by the Samuel Goldwyn Films and in over 150 countries in 2004-2005 by Columbia Tri-Star. The first American film about the Portuguese community in this country, “Passionada” was the prestigious closing night film of the Seattle Film Festival and received high praise from prominent American film critics. Jim Jermanok is in the process of finishing his directing chores on the feature documentary “Harry Agganis: Portrait of a Legend” about a legendary New England athlete of years past. Jim’s brother, Stephen, is not only a writer-director, but an internationally prominent travel writer. Presently, CPP is producing their smart romantic comedy, “The Ex Factor" which will be directed by the Jermanok Brothers in 2010.