
After over 10 years working in New York, Judy Sin is exceptional with all things real estate. She believes her job is to transform complicated data and analysis into a message that can be easily understood by everyone. Judy brings this knowledge to the Lamorinda community, establishing her roots in a variety of local organizations to make strong connections. Judy is fluent in Cantonese, Mandarin & English, and is continually conscious of her clients best interest.

As a full-time realtor, Judy believes instant response is critical to avoid bottlenecks in the process, so she remains accessible to her clients day or night. She considers herself a true facilitator, ensuring all parts of the transaction work together seamlessly. "It's all about building rapport and trust," she says, "even right down to the children." Judy understands the house hunting process can be stressful, especially with young children in tow. That's why she handcrafts balloon animals at her open houses. "Parent really appreciate it. It keeps the kids occupied while they look around, and the kids have fun showing their animal friends their new house". Judy has sold several homes because of this attention to detail.

When not assisting clients, Judy is an active and connected community contributor, serving as the founder of Toddler Chefs Cooking and Lamorinda Mama, an online guide to family-friendly activities in Lamorinda CA and beyond. She holds an MS in International Public Service from DePaul University in Chicago, and a BA in Government & International Studies from Hong Kong Baptist University.