
J. Z. Yancey has been known as Zane to her friends for all of her life.  Born and raised in Oklahoma where she graduated with a degree in Speech and Drama from Oklahoma Panhandle State College (now known as University).  She then moved to New Hampshire with her first husband.  When the husband moved out, she continued to raise their two sons in New Hampshire and eventually met her second husband who she is happily married to seventeen years later.

Zane has written all of her life. Her first foray into writing was as a child when she wrote her own newspaper (which was only read by her cousin).  After that came numerous "stories" which she collaborated on with her best friend in high school featuring them and their favorite rock stars.  During her high school years she wrote for the school newspaper, was assistant editor her junior year and editor her senior year.  In college she continued to write articles for the school newspaper although she wasn't listd as a staff member.  Then came her more serious writing including several plays which were produced locally in college and the high school where she was the drama director for many years.