
Kapital Wealth is a certified international consultancy- and brokers firm specialised in FOREX, BONDS, IPO's based in Vienna.
To bring our clients the investment ideas and maximize initial investment for our clients, Kapital Wealth work in close partnership with leading investment groups. In addition, our dedicated in-house research department continually analyses and reviews markets, to ensure you receive the very best investment options.
Whether you are new to investment or looking to take control of an established portfolio, our experienced investment team of research managers, consultants and impartial financial advisors can help.

To help you get started EWR Kapitalanlagegesellschaften has created a private equity branche with an institutional investment department.

As an international financial advisor with over 25 years of investment experience, Kapital Wealth offer expertise in almost every sector, specialist in Foreign Exchange market, IPO opportunities, Commodities and Bonds.