
As a certified distress property expert I have the knowledge and unique insight of the predicament many of today’s sellers find themselves in. As a member of a coaching program at Harris Real Estate University I am constantly honing my skills and am informed of the latest developments on how to better assist distressed property owners with short sales and asset managers with the disposition of lender owned assets. When it comes to managing a short sale or lender owned asset, those properties become like my own. Following are points of special interest.
I have experience in maintaining real estate assets. My team consists of reliable cleaning crews, landscapers, Painting, flooring, trash-out and repairs when necessary.
    Am quick to respond to asset managers with a special ring on my smart phone and regularly send updated reports.  All assets are secured immediately within 24 hrs or less. Occupancy is assessed and locks re-keyed upon vacancy.  
Primarily work in Alameda/Contra Costa Counties of SanFrancisco Bay area, Northern California, and am represented by the following zip codes:
    94539, 94538, 94537, 94536, 94555, 94560, 94587, 94540, 94541, 94542, 94543, 94544, 94545, 94547, 94566, 94588, 94568, 94582, 94583, 94577, 94578, 94579