
Korrade, as an Organization works for implementing a Mode of Skill Channelization in the
domain of Arts, Education, Travel, Commerce, Sports & Other Specific Human Interests. Our
mission is to develop an equally distributed platform for everyone, where people can
participate, volunteer & support each other in the programmes we conduct. These
programmes would be targeted and customized for people of different 'age groups' and are
subsidized events orchestrated through Company Funds. The Organization also reaches to
our Participants to socialize with us for our identified community services in uplifting the
underprivileged people, so that they can also avail the learning we have to offer. Korrade
aims to be seen as a community of People, who have a registered presence in our Internet
Portal and are making themselves Productive through our Programmes
The Funds we seek for operating the Company, would be received from People who have
the utmost belief in our cause. The money would be used in building the infrastructure of
the company and promotion of our programmes to the fullest, i.e. required for a maximum
reach. Korrade runs with people involvement, and its measure would be required to
enhance the infrastructure further to the anticipated requirements
Our Mode of Operation would be structured, and are provisioned through Online/Offline
services, with no involvement of anything in exchange with the users for availing our
services. Our liability is limited, to only accepting money from interested people supporting
our cause. We would be seeking Alliances with other organizations for our promotion and
its utilization is only prohibited to seek a wider awareness of our cause.