About |
Knowledge Transfer LLC is a contractor marketing and door to door sales advisory company. We help businesses find more customers by providing hands on ground-game sales training in addition to front-end online omnipresence and backend system tools integration. Contractors experienced in their trade, outsource business development, lead generation and their backend CRM, Web, and Social omnipresence to KTLLC, to enable them focus on their core business: providing the product or service and letting KT handle the rest. KTLLC accepts all or most of a contractor’s outsourced online and offline brand and identity marketing efforts, and centralizes the back-end web, social, CRM and other systems to create contractor omnipresence and identity. KTLLC produces authority content targeting the contractors’ ideal buyer persona. Then, ramps up engagement and conversion by bringing the product or service to their ideal buyer’s door through an established ground-game consultative style door-to-door sales training and coaching of contractor owners and sales reps; to include selling by brand, by warranty, and by topic matter expertise.