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Latinnovating was written for students and professionals seeking to make wise choices about their future career paths as our American economy undergoes massive transformation. Readers will immediately benefit from the content of the book which includes:
• Success stories of sustainable businesses in ten different sectors of the economy including our energy grid, industrial lighting systems, commercial printing, packaging, communications, green building techniques, venture capital and much more. You will gain insight into ten different industries in one book.
• Specific educational paths taken by the featured entrepreneurs, leaders, engineers, and business owners
• Insider perspectives and resource recommendations that the reader can act on immediately
Latinnovating is available now for pre-order purchase at www.latinnovating.com. Anyone buying three or more copies before October 31st will receive author-signed copies and be listed in the book as a charter supporter of the Latinnovating project. Individuals or groups pre-ordering ten or more books will also be listed on the Latinnovating website. Business schools, youth leadership programs, high schools, non-profit associations and other groups wishing to invite Graciela to speak on the green economy and Latino leadership should contact her directly at grace@latinnovating.com. You can also become a fan of Latinnovating through Facebook.
“I’m determined to provide young people with successful role models that most of them do not have. I want to show them real examples of how the path to success in our new economy, now more than ever, leads through higher education. Latinnovating’s storytellers are Latinos; the opportunities they’re creating are for everyone,” Tiscareño-Sato states.