About |
Latus is driven by its passionate committment to Logistics Excellence, a fact that over a 500 client companies and over 10,000 latus trained students throughout the ASEAN region can testify too.
Since our inception in 2003, Latus has grown to become the international thought leaders in Logistics Risk and Logistics Education throughout South East Asia and Australia.
Today we are a company that are called upon to:
Advise Governments on logistics risk issues that impede national productivity.
Assist Organisations and Companies in solving logistics risk issues through advice, education and compliance.
Educate industry leaders through key note speaking engagements and regular articles.
Raise the productivity of companies via training in specialist logistic skills and education in enhanced logistics capabilities.
Latus is committed to being the leading logistics risk provider, providing; advice education and compliance solutions to the transport service industry, governments, engineering and infrastructure sectors.
- See more at: http://latus.edu.au/about-us/#sthash.KRnbNGwV.dpuf