About |
Herd is the home of organic free-range B2B content.
We think very carefully about what is best for our clients. We've banned over-processed and 'off-the-shelf' in favour of hand-picked, home-grown and fresh.
We take a holistic approach to communications planning and following an initial consultation and brief, we will scope out and put forward a recommendation for ongoing engagement based on the specific client need.
Herd offers a range of strategic B2B content and communication services - bespoke media relations and social media engagement programmes - tailored to suit your company size and spend. Clients are both retained and free-lance/project-based, depending on the requirement.
Working with a network of trusted PR associates and ex-journalists, including expert strategic marketing and brand consultants, Herd is able to flexibly scale its services to meet ongoing clients’ PR, content and communication requirements.