
You can choose to act with efficiency and simplicity

1. Start your journey with a simple ritual

Pick your priorities without hesitating: before checking your email, select the actions permitting you to take a step forward towards your yearly objectives:

2. Analyze and recompose

Remain centered: at the end of each week, as well as at the end of each month, review the main themes linked to your aspirations, the actions associated, and the measurable objectives allowing progress. Take your time to review, and redefine the order of the actions: their priorities will allow you to take a step back on your daily routine.

3. Utilize the individual action as a management unit

Witting down all these ideas allows to set one’s mind free:

In order to be effective, concentrate on the next step and act concretely. Its realization brings you closer to your objectives and is a source of immediate satisfaction.

4. Share and coordinate your immediate actions

On a regular basis, regroup and limit with your team, your clients or suppliers for the actions requiring to conciliate different points of view. Agreeing on a plan of action requires time. But your future vision, if explicit and shared, allows to optimize this phase of collaboration and coordination.

You will therefore apply the concept of « one piece flow » just in time : in maintaining your flow of actions to what is strictly needed, you will react quicker to hazards and changes, you can reduce the treating delays between stakeholders, and therefore accelerate the gain of concrete results.

However, in order to coordinate actions and to give them meaning, these must tie back, either to your themes, or to those of your team and teammates. The parasite actions will always exist, however they should not take the upper hand on those essential to the realization of your goals.

5. Drive your indicators of results and process

Remain in the main direction. Measure your actions’ effectiveness through SMART indicators : this allows to select the easiest and most effective actions, as well as permits to adjust them in terms of concrete results found.

A cycle like the PDCA or the DMAIC, structured in successive steps allows to validate and sustain the results obtained.

The following of your action plan’s advancement allows the evaluation of the remaining work to be conducted. Concentrate on the future work needed, future steps towards your aspirations.

6. Creating the conditions allowing to realize your actions

Start on the notion of « context » allowing the realization of the tasks : on the train, on the phone, while on the net, in weekly meetings. This ranking of actions allows to conduct them easily, while finding ourselves in an adequate context.

This other ritual allows to make the right action at the right time. This becomes an individual choice of organization and is no longer an external constraint that dictates your priorities.

7. Communicate regularly and in a simple manner

The split of the advancement state is also an important element in your action plans. Indeed, these interact most often with the work of other teammates and your hierarchy wishes to follow the advancements of the different projects. The communication is also a factor of motivation and mutual enrichment.

The LeanDesk® tool is conceived to answer to these needs.