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LectureNotes is a one-stop destination for scholars around the world. We aim to create a platform to bring together teachers and scholars from around the world to be able to connect, communicate, and share knowledge.
Education is the most essential need for society today, yet it is plagued with several pressing issues. These issues have been attempted to be solved but without a detailed understanding of the problems and a comprehensive approach.
As education is cutting through the various layers of social structures, several gaps in education skew the playing field in favor of the privileged. LectureNotes was conceived with the notion of filling in these gaps in education:
The gap between a child shouting answers from the front bench and a child sitting confused behind, the gap between a college with a multi-story library and students who cannot even afford textbooks and the gap between a child who goes to school and a child who does not have school miles and miles from his home.
LectureNotes was conceived with the vision to overcome these obstacles by creating a global community of scholars to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and resources and sparking discourses on the various bodies of knowledge.