
Violet Hills Productions features novels, plays, and screenplays written by Leigh Podgorski. Also featured is the documentary on California elder Katherine Siva Saubel and the Cahuilla Indians of Southern California WE ARE STILL HERE. Recently published are the first two books in Ms. Podgorski's Metaphysical Suspense/Mystery Series STONE QUEST: DESERT CHIMERA, and GALLOWS ASCENDING. Other titles include OURAY'S PEAK, her coming of age story that traces the journey of fourteen year odl Kristin Tabor as she journeys cross country and deep within the Rocky Mountains to find her mother and discovers her Ute heritage and eventually, her heart, and THE WOMEN DEBROWSKA, Ms. Podgorski's debut novel that is loosely based on her own family history intertwined with over 250 years of the history of a nation and an endearing spirit of hope  that refused to be conquered even during Poland's darkest most desperate hours.