About |
Planning Leisure or Business Travel in Kenya or East Africa? You are in the right place because we work to ensure you get what you want. Why search tens of sites for the right accommodation in a particular location of Kenya and beyond - Uganda or Tanzania? LetsGoKenya.com on-line accommodation booking service gives you control of your accommodation needs at the click of a button with real time pricing and booking confirmations or 24 hour requests!
We work with hotel or property owners and managers to ensure you enjoy great discounts and last minute offers.
We are tour operators and safari experts too, so let us plan your holiday of a lifetime in Eastern Africa. The safari packages on the left can be tailored to fit your holiday budget and taste.
Choose to book online using the accommodation search below or contact us and we will walk with you through the process of ensuring you book the accommodation or safari that suits you.
In the accommodation search above, you can even narrow down your search and booking to a specific need and;
Choose from a variety of Hotels, Lodges, Safari Camps, Apartments, self-contained or self-catering cottages, bed and breakfast or B&B guest houses in any part of Kenya, Uganda & Tanzania depending on your budget, taste and needs.
Whether you are a business traveller or tourist, LetsGoKenya gives you total control of where you want to sleep and have your next meal or go for safari, a meeting or conference and a variety of the most secure payment options.
As safari and accommodation experts, if you need:
* an airport transfer
* vehicle hire
* game drive or safari
* technical or business visit
contact us and we will make it memorable, efficiently and to the best industry standard.