
What is likeplum?
We believe the world with its vast knowledge and recourse has huge potential to work together to help people on an individual and global level. We have realized this vision by creating the likeplum platform. A place to ask all your questions and gain access to information and answers from people all over the world that come from different cultures, professions, and experiences.

How does it work?
likeplum is able to give you access to the world’s information and answers by using an incentive based marketplace. You ask a question and choose an amount of money (Pledge) you will reward someone for giving you a great answer. Your question is then displayed all around the world and people that want to help you, compete with each other to provide you with the best answers. You have total power; you see all the answers before any form of payment or payment information is required and you choose who to pay or wether to pay at all (withdraw).

What types of questions can I ask?
likeplum is a place to clarify all the confusion in your life. You can ask questions about job, homework, law, health, stocks, programming, travel, etc., everything in your life. Not only questions, You can also post a task like "design a logo for your company" here. Our answerers are always here to help you with anything you can think of.

Examples of questions
Help with Maths, pledge $1.
Write an essay for me, pledge $20.
Cheapest place buy Lacoste clothes, pledge $0.50.
Need help with a website project, pledge $50.
Paint a portrait of my friend, pledge $10.
Create a promotional video for a business I started, pledge $100.
the possibilities are endless...

Quality, Quantity , Speed.
likeplum is simply amazing. The quality, quantity, and speed at which our platform provides you with answers and information is unparalleled. The likeplum experience is one that you can not get from free services such as google, where you could spend hours piecing together information from all over the web, or Yahoo! answers, where you have to wait days to get an answer and are lucky if you get a good one at all, or other payment based sites where you have to pay before you can see your answers.

At likeplum we take your privacy seriously, that is why we created our private question system. By making your question private your username and answers to your question will be hidden. Your question will also be hidden, once you pay or withdraw your pledge. So basically no one not even answers or likeplum will be able to see your question and answers once you've payed or withdrawer your pledge, 100% guaranteed. The only time that anyone can see your question is when its live for answering. You can ask private questions to your friends or teams, to further limit who can see your question.