
LinkMommy is designed to give its visitors and members a true home online, improvement and optimization of member's web presence, increasing traffic to member's website/s, and to combine and connect LinkMommy member's web presence with modern and popular social bookmark sites for free or at very low cost.

LinkMommy's Shoutbox is another innovative and great tool of instant advertising. It is live online 24 hours per day. Live Ads and comments are typed in, and go on LinkMommy's main page instantly.

They appear inside the Shoutbox window just like any live news ticker on TV. Visitors can read them,  and any Linkmommy member can advertise and comment anytime they wish.

Spelling out the website URL including http:// creates the word "link," which viewers click on and see our members' advertisements immediately! The platform for LinkMommy is an attractive, highly intuitive website with comprehensive, wide-ranging  and informative content that is up-to-the-minute and refreshed constantly, guaranteeing repeat visits by users. A variety of LinkMommy membership levels are offered, with free and low monthly subscriber fees available.

These different membership levels come with free to low cost advertisement possibilities for old-fashioned offline businesses, online businesses and networks. In addition, business owners, affiliate networkers, self-employeed professionals, freelancers, artists, charities, clubs, churches, and all other networks will be given the opportunity to introduce themselves in a-state-of-the-art, modern profile builder.

Our programmers and designers have made it possible for LinkMommy members to easily connect their LinkMommy profiles and advertising with popular social bookmark sites like Twitter and Facebook,  features that tremendously enhance any advertising strategies. Full exploitation of these cutting-edge advertising vehicles not only results in cost- and time-savings for all online and offline business owners, but increases sales and revenues as well. Charities, clubs, churches, and other services will increase popularity and membership through the latest social media tools easily and quickly.