
Bad Credit Loans 4 You was formed to fill a much needed gap in the market for a company specialising in helping people with bad credit obtain the credit they need.

We recognise that many people in today’s society have fallen under the heading “a person with a bad credit history” through no fault of their own.

The “high street” banks failed many people when they needed help the most, thus causing untold hardship for millions.

True, there are also people out there that have a bad credit history because they chose to abuse the credit they had been given when the times were good.

We like to think that people can learn from their mistakes and seek not only to help people obtain the loan that they need but also to aid people manage their finances better.

To this end we aim to produce a set of financial help pages to help people find their way around the maze of finance.

Our management team have over 50 collective years experience within the finance industry so are well versed with helping people that suffer from bad credit.