
Matthew Steadman is 25 years old, married with a three-year-old son. He has a passion and interest in many areas, but his biggest would be American politics, social issues, and human rights.

He holds a degree in Psychology and Minor in Philosophy from Texas A&M University and is currently attending the University of North Texas for a second Bachelors degree. He is a part-time stay at home dad and is proud to be able to have extra time with his son and wife while continuing to pursue his aspirations in life.

Previously he worked in visual merchandising and marketing directly after attending Texas A&M University before resigning in September of 2014 to run a home businesses full-time while deciding about returning to school in 2015.

Matt has had a passion for writing articles relating to news, philosophy, and social issues for many years but only in 2015 decided to begin submitting these for the public to read. He hopes to eventually become a published author, news journalist, and express news and ideas through his writing. His all-time ideal job would be working in government news with a large organization in Washington D.C.

Matt has a deep passion for listening to music, reading books, and you can regularly find him doing both! Some of his favorite music artists are; Lady GaGa, Gareth Emmory, Katy Perry, Hans Zimmer, Wolfgang Gartner, Tiesto, Nicki Minaj, Iggy Azalea, and deadmau5 to name a few.

A few of his favorite authors are; Thich Nhat Hanh, Rob Bell, Sam Harris, Dan Brown, J.K. Rowling, Richard Dawkins, Charles Darwin, Dan Barker, and George Orwell.

Matt holds a passion for seeing all people whether a minority, displaced refugee, sexual orientation, or belief system that they should be treated equally and with no judgment. He believes that through mutual understanding, loving listening, loving speech, and open minds that the many polarities of the world would come together if everyone took on a mindset of mutual respect. But, he also believes there are instances where speaking up is important. Through all this he believes that no dream is too big, and if he sees a way he can help anyone become a better person he is willing to lay his priorities down to help another succeed.

Matthew is always looking for more ways to expand his experience and knowledge. If you need a writer for any type of project please email him at: Matthew@matthewsteadman.com.